So recently I saw this movie called "I'm Through With White Girls" through my brand new greatest invention that is Netflix Instant Access.. and found my new love.. Her name is Lia Johnson I am quite fond of her.. and for the first time in years I found someone to take the place of the beautiful Lisa Bonet in High Fidelity.. See I'm not all that into Lisa Bonet "the person" but in all honesty I was in love with the idea of this lisa bonet..
I just have this weird thing for ladies with quirks and dreads.. not only that but when they are artistic I like them even more.. I have this whole obsession with wanting to be part of something.. Especially with my ladies.. A lot of it is my self centered.. Seemingly middle child/only child syndrome.. This whole I want to effect an artists life so much they need to write about me, sing about me, or draw about me.. This whole idea of feeling appreciated and having a presence in something that clearly was before me and probably will be better after me.. I think thats a bigger part of my dream though.. The breakup manifesto.. So while watching this movie all i could imagine was that I was him and when that ended there will be a book about me, well not about me per se.. but a book written in the aftermath of me.. Self centered I know.. but whatever..