A little background first.. I go to a large university with a very diverse student body.. Its fairly well known, and its popularity is only growing. With that said we have about 4- 5 campuses all at one site and each one you can pretty much find a dominant nationality, race, or look of the campus.. Although I live on campus I don't live on campus per se.. I live in off campus housing but close enough where I sometimes still get wireless from campus.. But in telling this story you must realize that the campuses although are all under one umbrella are pretty spread apart and each one has its own center and what not.. As a middle eastern studies/poli sci/ philosophy major minor whatever.. I dont have many classes on my home campus and must go about 15 minutes away for classes and usually I attempt to go home in between classes I find it easier to just wait some classes out with lunch and what not at one of the student centers.. So one day I decide to eat sushi at a campus that is rumored to be dominant with the Asian Persuasion.. See im one of those guys that loves sushi but my chopstix game is not very on point... in fact i truly believe my fingers are too crooked/dumb.. to ever do it properly.. but i refuse to use my hands or stab things like a caveman.. so I always wholeheartedly try to use them because I really want to learn how.. So while sitting there with my ish not really realizing that there are people around me the sushi chopstix debacle begins where it takes 40 minutes to eat a roll of spicy tuna.. this usually only happens in the confines of my own home in front on no1 so im not really paying attention.. but at one point my headphones die and i hear constant giggling..(at this point I just dropped the same piece about 4 times in the soy sauce thing and made quite a mess) I look to the left and there is a group of about 10 kids just laughing as they use chopstix to eat rice.. they even took the time to pick rice up and show me they could eat rice with chopstix.. ok.. I get that at some point I should revert back to a fork.. but honestly im practicing in case someone i need to impress likes sushi and wants me to eat with them.. but the rice thing has discouraged me.. I sit at home and try all the time and fail miserably.. sometimes i can get like thee scoops and then Im done.. I now have this undying need to figure them out.. and it has made me regress.. im even worse now.. whatever .. i know its wrong to say this but i hate that whole table of people.. anyway later homes
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
The Globalization Effect
A little background first.. I go to a large university with a very diverse student body.. Its fairly well known, and its popularity is only growing. With that said we have about 4- 5 campuses all at one site and each one you can pretty much find a dominant nationality, race, or look of the campus.. Although I live on campus I don't live on campus per se.. I live in off campus housing but close enough where I sometimes still get wireless from campus.. But in telling this story you must realize that the campuses although are all under one umbrella are pretty spread apart and each one has its own center and what not.. As a middle eastern studies/poli sci/ philosophy major minor whatever.. I dont have many classes on my home campus and must go about 15 minutes away for classes and usually I attempt to go home in between classes I find it easier to just wait some classes out with lunch and what not at one of the student centers.. So one day I decide to eat sushi at a campus that is rumored to be dominant with the Asian Persuasion.. See im one of those guys that loves sushi but my chopstix game is not very on point... in fact i truly believe my fingers are too crooked/dumb.. to ever do it properly.. but i refuse to use my hands or stab things like a caveman.. so I always wholeheartedly try to use them because I really want to learn how.. So while sitting there with my ish not really realizing that there are people around me the sushi chopstix debacle begins where it takes 40 minutes to eat a roll of spicy tuna.. this usually only happens in the confines of my own home in front on no1 so im not really paying attention.. but at one point my headphones die and i hear constant giggling..(at this point I just dropped the same piece about 4 times in the soy sauce thing and made quite a mess) I look to the left and there is a group of about 10 kids just laughing as they use chopstix to eat rice.. they even took the time to pick rice up and show me they could eat rice with chopstix.. ok.. I get that at some point I should revert back to a fork.. but honestly im practicing in case someone i need to impress likes sushi and wants me to eat with them.. but the rice thing has discouraged me.. I sit at home and try all the time and fail miserably.. sometimes i can get like thee scoops and then Im done.. I now have this undying need to figure them out.. and it has made me regress.. im even worse now.. whatever .. i know its wrong to say this but i hate that whole table of people.. anyway later homes
Friday, October 26, 2007
Recently while having a conversation with someone I dig, she mentioned how some guy came onto her and was just really aggressive about it.. and i started to laugh because I always find that shit funny when dudes try real hard for girls that they just met or dont even know.. I always wonder why?.. Does dude know what hes getting into?.. does he really feel her like that?.. is it worth it?.. I understand that hormones and what not are involved but shouldnt your brain also be involved.. I feel especially in this day and age that people would care more about what they are getting into and why they are getting into it.. Thats why I respect the idea of the fck buddy.. Im not saying I have one or kno of any but I like that whole idea.. "hey look I know you, you know me, this probably wouldnt work in the long run and thats what we're after anyway.. so while we're both single consenting parties.. how about we meet up.. do this and the third.. and go our separate ways and live life.." isnt that better than seeing some chic as youre delivering soda and going hey mami you look good whats up?.. because honestly do you want the girl who responds to that?.. see i really dont have a problem with guys trying i think its smart and wish i had the balls or the same goals.. but im really mad at the chics that fall for this.. that fall for the ish.. its like damn that easy..
but really im the last one who should comment on this.. while writing this at work i was doing the same thing.. all in jest but still halfway serious... weird backstory... I work in some building downtown and i usually work nights because its easy for my school schedule plus shit isnt really going on.. Well anyway there is this lady shes at least 45 from some eastern european country and has a daughter my age and a son older than i am.. plus her husband picks her up and drops her off at work.. but every night 90% of the old men at my job flirt, comment, or stare at her... not at the face because her face actually looks eastern european ( no offense but eastern european women are very rarely sexy) but she has a BODY.. this isnt me being sexist either the lady boss at my job says "Shes got a sisters body with the face of a witch".. well anyway one day while minding my business hardly working she walks over to me and says "Boy why are you never working hard" me being the dick I am said "Cleaner I need something to work hard for.." this vulgar lady replied "would you work hard if you were working with me" and winked... Me being the man i am I turned beat red and just looked at her like "WTF" but being quick witted like i am I asked "By what do you mean" with this she laughed her maniacal transylvania laugh and said "what do you think or are you that young?".. to that i was offended and replied "Im young enough to blow your back out" yes a little much.. ya a little disrespectful.. but she questioned me in some way im still not sure how.. well this nasty old lady replied "really show me"... at that point i walked out the door to catch my breath.. Seriously how does that happen.. I think i lost my only chance at that point but now for the last three months our conversations are a bit much.. they go there and never anywhere of course but for some reason she brings that side out in me... the one where its like whatever.. say what i want..but my whole question what if shes serious.. like i would never do anything with her but what if i could.. does that mean i fall into a group.. or is it just eastern european case or Mary Kay Latournea..Anyway Im out lata homes...
but really im the last one who should comment on this.. while writing this at work i was doing the same thing.. all in jest but still halfway serious... weird backstory... I work in some building downtown and i usually work nights because its easy for my school schedule plus shit isnt really going on.. Well anyway there is this lady shes at least 45 from some eastern european country and has a daughter my age and a son older than i am.. plus her husband picks her up and drops her off at work.. but every night 90% of the old men at my job flirt, comment, or stare at her... not at the face because her face actually looks eastern european ( no offense but eastern european women are very rarely sexy) but she has a BODY.. this isnt me being sexist either the lady boss at my job says "Shes got a sisters body with the face of a witch".. well anyway one day while minding my business hardly working she walks over to me and says "Boy why are you never working hard" me being the dick I am said "Cleaner I need something to work hard for.." this vulgar lady replied "would you work hard if you were working with me" and winked... Me being the man i am I turned beat red and just looked at her like "WTF" but being quick witted like i am I asked "By what do you mean" with this she laughed her maniacal transylvania laugh and said "what do you think or are you that young?".. to that i was offended and replied "Im young enough to blow your back out" yes a little much.. ya a little disrespectful.. but she questioned me in some way im still not sure how.. well this nasty old lady replied "really show me"... at that point i walked out the door to catch my breath.. Seriously how does that happen.. I think i lost my only chance at that point but now for the last three months our conversations are a bit much.. they go there and never anywhere of course but for some reason she brings that side out in me... the one where its like whatever.. say what i want..but my whole question what if shes serious.. like i would never do anything with her but what if i could.. does that mean i fall into a group.. or is it just eastern european case or Mary Kay Latournea..Anyway Im out lata homes...
the first cross post
Fuck youtube.com for real.. So its finally failed me.. Google did also but whatever I'll let it slide...
So Ive been looking for this song called "Wasting MY Time" I was a little ignorant and thought it was by Portishead due to the fact I have my mp3 on shuffle and on it I have "Criminal Minded," "Amerikkka's Most Wanted," The Ratatat Remix Series, Jay-Z's Mick Boogie Mixtape, "Dummy"(Portishead), 8mile Soundtrack (extremely underrated), "Words From The Genius," and Cage's "Hell's Winter".. so this real smooth beat induced track comes on called "Wasting My Time" it kind of sounded like Portishead but lighter I guess.. Whatever so I assumed it was and wanted the lyrics and video to share so I did a google search... nothing.. I did a youtube search.. nothing. So finally I went through all the portishead albums and looked at every lyric thinking i had the title wrong.. nothing.. so finally i went back and checked the mp3 player (dont ask why Im backwards just realize I am) and found out it was by an artist named boomkat on the "8mile" Soundtrack... uhh what?... so i search youtube for it and sure enough it is what was weird is there is no official video just these three seperate girls who made their own videos.. usually i would post someone elses self expression to get mine across but these girls were wrong.. honestly i watched each video like three times and threw up like seven from the pure fuckery of it.. i dont understand.. it was kind of like last night where this tranny had this amazing voice and she was like im gonna get signed on the train and all I kept thinking "I wonder what her market would be" would the gay community back a black tranny who looked more like johnathan vilma than johnathan vilma.. seriously this was a big chic.. im a big dude and she was bigger than me in all ways.. probably down there too.. i know you were thinking it so lets clear the air.. well anyway as i got off the train i kept thinking wow that sucks there is no market for that talent and then i watched youtube today and realized if there is a will then damn it there is a way.. ok here are the lyrics and below you will see the videos ive been talking about...
"Wastin' My Time"
I don't think you understand
That what your doing is not so cool
You think it's funny to mess with my mind
Don't you
You know I like you so you just tease me
You give me just enough
To hang on and on
thats only the beginning but thats all i care about because obviously this is about you.. haha.. anyway i really like this song.. the irony you know that girl from hustle and flow with the blonde extensions taryn manning she sings this.. wow where did that come from anyway here is your fuckery.. im out lata homes..
and if that wasnt enough...
by the way its tag is a pimp ass rendition
So Ive been looking for this song called "Wasting MY Time" I was a little ignorant and thought it was by Portishead due to the fact I have my mp3 on shuffle and on it I have "Criminal Minded," "Amerikkka's Most Wanted," The Ratatat Remix Series, Jay-Z's Mick Boogie Mixtape, "Dummy"(Portishead), 8mile Soundtrack (extremely underrated), "Words From The Genius," and Cage's "Hell's Winter".. so this real smooth beat induced track comes on called "Wasting My Time" it kind of sounded like Portishead but lighter I guess.. Whatever so I assumed it was and wanted the lyrics and video to share so I did a google search... nothing.. I did a youtube search.. nothing. So finally I went through all the portishead albums and looked at every lyric thinking i had the title wrong.. nothing.. so finally i went back and checked the mp3 player (dont ask why Im backwards just realize I am) and found out it was by an artist named boomkat on the "8mile" Soundtrack... uhh what?... so i search youtube for it and sure enough it is what was weird is there is no official video just these three seperate girls who made their own videos.. usually i would post someone elses self expression to get mine across but these girls were wrong.. honestly i watched each video like three times and threw up like seven from the pure fuckery of it.. i dont understand.. it was kind of like last night where this tranny had this amazing voice and she was like im gonna get signed on the train and all I kept thinking "I wonder what her market would be" would the gay community back a black tranny who looked more like johnathan vilma than johnathan vilma.. seriously this was a big chic.. im a big dude and she was bigger than me in all ways.. probably down there too.. i know you were thinking it so lets clear the air.. well anyway as i got off the train i kept thinking wow that sucks there is no market for that talent and then i watched youtube today and realized if there is a will then damn it there is a way.. ok here are the lyrics and below you will see the videos ive been talking about...
"Wastin' My Time"
I don't think you understand
That what your doing is not so cool
You think it's funny to mess with my mind
Don't you
You know I like you so you just tease me
You give me just enough
To hang on and on
thats only the beginning but thats all i care about because obviously this is about you.. haha.. anyway i really like this song.. the irony you know that girl from hustle and flow with the blonde extensions taryn manning she sings this.. wow where did that come from anyway here is your fuckery.. im out lata homes..
and if that wasnt enough...
by the way its tag is a pimp ass rendition
Thursday, October 25, 2007
The Truman Show Effect
When I was younger, I mean real young, I thought the world was controlled by my mind, and everything I encountered was because my mind made it so, I even compared the scene in boyz in the hood where Angela Basset is leaving Trey with his pops to my own mothers reasons when I was going through a similar thing at a similar time.. Even though her reasons werent as moral I still thought those were her reasons for doing such.. This continued into almost adulthood as I learned more my thoughts expanded past camera in the mirror.. television leading me on.. or even music.. I truly thought my mind controlled the world.. The Matrix and Philosophy classes did that to me.. I was still skeptical though.. Leading to trips around just to make sure it existed and there was no dome to hold me in.. But there are still times when it comes back to the forefront.. times when I'm hoping things wont happen.. happen, like hoping someone wouldnt act in a way that is normal to their character because then that would mean they acted in a way beneficial to my own happiness, but as people continue to disappoint i wonder if its my mind telling me to navigate the land mines that are people... because i seem to attract the crazies, and need help deciphering who is and isnt..
Monday, October 22, 2007
Who it is? What it is? Where it is?
I guess the way to start this is to explain Who I am? Where I'm from? and What this is for.. I hope you enjoy.. Welcome to the mind of the forgotten..
I am MLK's dream realized, recognized, and exaggerated, having gained complete social acceptance while losing some of my self realization in the process.. I walk the line of complete social awareness and social irresponsibility as tight as one can.. I am openly called token by the masses of friends who see me as different while claiming to accept me..
I am the loner who attracts people but pushes them away once they get close
The enigma that is random..
I am MLK's dream realized, recognized, and exaggerated, having gained complete social acceptance while losing some of my self realization in the process.. I walk the line of complete social awareness and social irresponsibility as tight as one can.. I am openly called token by the masses of friends who see me as different while claiming to accept me..
I am the loner who attracts people but pushes them away once they get close
The enigma that is random..
Ive always seen myself as that weird balance of two worlds
Though I am not either I understand both sides
The permanent politician
My music ranges from Coltrane to Portishead
Tool to Big L
Im the guy in the back with the closed eyes and the headphones
The one you dont notice
But notice because I'm so unnoticeable
The permanent politician
My music ranges from Coltrane to Portishead
Tool to Big L
Im the guy in the back with the closed eyes and the headphones
The one you dont notice
But notice because I'm so unnoticeable
While planning this blog and the purpose of my thoughts on the internet I was asked what my goal was and purpose to this whole idea.. I just decided that I needed a new forum for me to get my thoughts out without the strain of having a name on it , or the idea of people reading strictly because they know me.. Most of the time I guess ill just write about life and things going on and see if anyone has been through that or think the same way as I do..
There will be different sections to this mostly dealing with my own thoughts and ish.. but I will also attempt to re educate you people with good music, art, things I find on the net and ish like that.. I hope you enjoy... by the way if you stumble across this and realize i made fun of your favorite anything... i do that.. and dont care..
There will be different sections to this mostly dealing with my own thoughts and ish.. but I will also attempt to re educate you people with good music, art, things I find on the net and ish like that.. I hope you enjoy... by the way if you stumble across this and realize i made fun of your favorite anything... i do that.. and dont care..
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