Monday, November 17, 2008
Sleeping by yourself at night can make you feel alone
Your girlfriend said so but I don't really know
That don't mean we fucked around
That night last week when you left town
Was tweakin' by myself one night, that's when I wrote this tune
Didn't have no need for that bed in my hotel room
Sometimes right now since I've left the pen
Feels like I'm right back there again
Sometimes I pray
Waiting, waiting for some bright holiday
So I bought myself a gun
And I'm right back, right back where I'm from
Sleeping by yourself at night can make you feel alone
My girfriend said so, she's a little ho
That don't mean I fuck around
I like to keep that higher ground
Sometimes I pray
Waiting, waiting for some bright holiday
So I bought myself a gun
And I'm right back, right back where I'm from
Ohhh, don't tease me
Ohhh, don't tease me
Don't tease me, ohhh
Sometimes I pray
Waiting, waiting for some bright holiday
So I bought myself a gun
And I'm right back, right back where I'm from
So Ive had this song in my head for a few weeks now.. well mainly the first four lines.. I really like this song but love the pointed nature of it.. As this year has progressed I found myself growing up and going through that whole "maybe I'm an adult now" phase.. Looking around wanting new things.. different things.. So recently Ive been talking myself into opening up and being more accessible.. I dont know if it will work but I needed to get this song down on record.. Ill write later...
Monday, November 3, 2008
College Musings...
So you thought I would lead with something like "Creep" or something of that nature but no.. This song makes perfect sense for the meaning of this blog.. Lets see if you can keep up.. This morning while taking the Express bus across campus I found myself listening to Radiohead.. Which isnt new since I decided I wanted to hear their whole catalog this morning.. Ive been back into this whole running thing and when I run I listen to harder and faster music.. Todays choice was Nirvana - In Utero.. So as I was leaving the gym I needed something to relax me and made the mistake of choosing this Radiohead Catalog.. Its not that it isnt good or relaxing.. The issue is.. Its kind of depressing.. Well anyway.. I was on the bus and watched as a group of students started discussing class and their sororities/frats and the different events of the weekend.. I watched with much interest because they were all non-traditional students like myself and yet still find themselves immersed in this college lifestyle.. I found myself feeling even more gloomy than the overcast that I was staring out into.. Dont get me wrong I dont find myself to be frat material but I feel like Im missing the point of college.. I feel like my ability to make friends has diminished and I feel myself talking less everyday.. See most people think you learn everything in the classroom while at school but in my humble opinion that is not true.. The most valuable lessons seem to be learned with your peers.. The discussions, The experiences, The stories.. And yet here I am looking at a graduation date with none of that to show for this long and stressful journey.. Ive made a few friends along the way but I may end up knowing two of the five for the rest of my life.. I just feel like this all may have been the biggest waste of time and money.. But then again I realize that I chose this lifestyle and for the most part caused this whole anti social movement.. It may have been this past weekend but I feel like Im growing in weird directions.. and its not really helpful.. Whatever as Thom Yorke would say.. "I do it to myself.."
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Zack and Miri Make a Porno, while making me think...
So its been awhile since Ive last written and it usually goes like that.. A complete rush of posts then I get burnt out and all writer's blocked.. but today I saw something that made me write.. I went to see the new Kevin Smith movie... "Zack and Miri make a Porno.." It was pretty dope and funny, if you have the time and money you should definitely check it out.. It was outrageous to say the least and if you are faint at heart or ultra conservative it may leave you feeling uncomfortable.. but this isnt a review now is it?..
The reason I am writing about this movie was the experience of seeing it.. See I am a moviegoer.. I go often and usually with someone but it seems that lately Ive been rocking by myself.. And not out of lack of partner.. just because sometimes you just want to get lost by yourself.. and thats what movies for the most part do.. you get lost into someone else's life, problems, fantasies, desires.. and so on.. for those two hours (usually) you're no longer you, you're you watching someone else be something else.. Whatever your problems or thoughts are, are usually forgotten while you enjoy not thinking.. But todays movie was more of a test of wills.. I never thought a kevin smith movie about pornos would be so dateish.. and never did i think i would wish someone would be with me.. I always catch myself trying not to conform into this whole relationship crowd.. but find myself in that crowd.. the issue with zack and miri was the same issue ive been having.. "the whole friendships and being platonic." because as i was watching that movie i couldnt help but to think of "the friend" and how much she may have enjoyed that movie.. even though she wanted nothing to do with seeing it.. and also wondering if she would get why it would have been awkward.. but at the same time I was glad she wasnt there because it would have further sent the wrong idea of intentions to her and somehow i would have been self conscious about her thinking i knew the plot and set it up.. see i wish i would have known the plot but i didnt.. i have this strict belief in never reading reviews before seeing a movie.. ever since i saw movies i hated loved by critics and movies i loved hated by critics.. i feel the same way about movies that i feel about everything else in life.. form your own idea.. never be swayed.. youll end up losing out in the end.. i was gonna write more but that seems like a good enough ending.. later homes
Sunday, October 26, 2008
God Doesnt Love.. Nor Do I?
When I was in high school I remember reading and acting out Julius Ceaser for English class.. Of the Shakespearean classics that was my favorite to read.. The Leonardo Dicaprio led Romeo and Juliet was my favorite film adaptation with Ten Things I Hate About You coming in a close second.. The reason I have such an affinity for Julius Ceaser was the character of Brutus... He is one of my favorite literary characters of all times.. And he introduced me to a lifestyle that at the time I was already following but now i had a reason to... I learned what a stoic was and why it was important to be one.. See Brutus never let his emotions get the best of him.. always acting out in the cause of the greater good no matter how it may have affected him personally... As a child I learned this lesson the hard way.. Growing up with my mom, emotions were taught to be a good thing, she would instill in me the ability to show how I feel and to express that, but after moving in with my dad things changed.. I learned that emotions really didnt have a place in this new world.. and being overly emotional usually had negative results rather than the ones that helped bring about change.. since the time i was 9 i can count on two hands the amount of times i even came close to shedding tears from either happiness or sadness.. You just learn that it isnt worth it.. As I grew older I began to wearing this poker face no matter what.. It was best for my situation and it helped me be the cool head in many a hot situations.. Have I lost control over the last 15 years? Of course.. but Ive learned a valuable lesson each time.. Sometimes this can come off as cool, calculating, non emotional, and whatever else.. but for the most part it doesnt come off as anything at all because people get used to you not having any kind of emotion at all... In this current relationship model I sometimes wonder if its a hinderence or a plus.. I catch myself no matter what i think falling back and letting the situation dictate my mood.. but recently ive been told it comes off as non-interest or a calculating way of getting some proverbial upper hand in dating.. when in all honesty i just never know how to respond and when i do i think deeply about the whole idea of it... I just feel like as we get older this whole dating thing should be done with more responsibility then the average decision.. and if i feel that way about dating it carries into my everyday life... Whatever.. I dont know why I keep writing about dating when for the most part i describe myself as "not really looking but looking".. I find myself intrigued and wishful but with this whole idea that so much is needed that i may not have the ability to do it... I feel like if it happens it happens but for the most part.. it is what it is.. later homes
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Anyone who knows me in anyway knows for the last year or so Ive been on some type of romantic hiatus.. basically Ive been trying to go along without getting emotionally involved.. Over the last few years relationships have been weird and Ive tried to avoid them like a plague.. A part of me was caught up in the past and another part of me was kind of fearful that I was leaving the old me behind and beginning something that will change me again.. After the fire of the major breakup it took a while for me to understand who i was and what I wanted.. I felt the need to figure that out and along the way became someone completely different than I ever was.. I was happy with that.. Almost enjoyed this new independence.. I found myself happy to be on my own way.. Not really thinking about others while building a life built around me.. Ive realized as you build relationships your life begins to plan for two rather than one.. You begin to act as if there is an understanding that there is a future and it includes two.. You make sacrifices, and you make agreements.. For the most part these agreements are things you may not have made while not in a relationship.. these decisions are the types that impact your life and future forever and being the back to the future fan I am I never wanted to make the "sports almanac" mistake again.. See I thought I was alone in this quest and thought my life in sin was something only I was doing in my own secret world.. Until recently someone sent me a NYTimes article written by some guy going to USC talking about the end of the relationship especially in the young adult crowd.. He talked about time, effort, availability, and desire as reasons the age of the college /young profesional relationship began to die.. He mentioned the loss of the desire to date and more of the same talk why would you if you can just hang out at the house.. As I read his article I began to realize that this was my idea of why I wouldn't get into anything.. Why I was fearful of starting something new.. Everything I was looking for at the time was being provided without the commitment of a relationship.. The issue now is as I've gotten older and my priorities continue to change and mature I find myself wanting more of a companion than a friend.. This all plays into my whole friend dynamic with the male and female.. As I begin to evolve so do my motives and my options of course as a youngin you want those female friends to chill with but as you get older you always want more.. The issue with me now is Do I think I'm ready and if I am have I found that new understanding with myself.. I catch myself wanting what I've seen so many of my friends decide and wondering if its for me and if I'm making the right choices.. Because a year ago I couldn't imagine wanting to take my groups ski trip with someone else or wanting to make plans with someone for the holidays but now I find myself wanting all that and more.. Is this that point where the old heads tell you you're maturing or is this me falling into the trappings of a duel society.. I have no idea but I know that as of now I'm quite intrigued.. Later homes..
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Forever? (stolen from my personal journal 1/1/08)
This what Im labeled as
Your result for Howard Gardner's Eight Types of Intelligence Test...
12% Logical, 25% Spatial, 47% Linguistic, 51% Intrapersonal, 24% Interpersonal, 35% Musical, 25% Bodily-Kinesthetic and 10% Naturalistic!
"This area has to do with introspective and self-reflective capacities. Those who are strongest in this intelligence are typically introverts and prefer to work alone. They are usually highly self-aware and capable of understanding their own emotions, goals and motivations. They often have an affinity for thought-based pursuits such as philosophy. They learn best when allowed to concentrate on the subject by themselves. There is often a high level of perfectionism associated with this intelligence.
Careers which suit those with this intelligence include philosophers, psychologists, theologians, writers and scientists." (Wikipedia)
Take Howard Gardner's Eight Types of Intelligence Test at HelloQuizzy
Its so hard in the D...

saw this on Sickamore's blog and decided to jack it.. (whatever he jacked it as well..) My whole thing is this is more for me.. being I actually write about people.. consistently.. Recently I've been trying to go back to my old standby of being vague and discretionary.. But Im about to start putting people on blast.. just because im bored..
Music is my anti-drug..
"If I never hear you and Jeff talk about music or fantasy football again It wont be long enough"
- A frequent standby while I'm talking to Jeff
Walked into an exam this past Saturday and sat down to take it.. Finished said exam and handed it in.. Walked out of the exam and saw a friend sitting by the wall.. She looks at me and rolls her eyes i ask what and she begins to talk.. nothing.. but her mouth is moving.. then it hits.. never took my headphones off...
Began re-listening to my favorite emcee's whole album catalogue in succession so I can better get a feel for how great he is..
Someone I never met in person said the following of me.MFDash (4:37:04 AM): i dont think i expressed this but music runs my life
nee23 (4:37:19 AM): That's obvious
MFDash (4:37:35 AM): i was late for a meeting in the library today so i could set a playlist for my shower and my bike ride there and back
MFDash (4:38:25 AM): why is that obvious
MFDash (4:38:26 AM): ?
nee23 (4:38:49 AM): lol. it happens
nee23 (4:39:03 AM): and anyone with sense can tell music is a huge part of your life
nee23 (4:39:10 AM): or anyone who can read for that matter
nee23 (4:39:30 AM): headphones are like a hat for you
nee23 (4:39:34 AM): right?
MFDash (4:39:42 AM): yea basically
nee23 (4:39:43 AM): without it you feel odd
MFDash (4:39:52 AM): one of my friends call them skin
nee23 (4:39:59 AM): yea
nee23 (4:40:02 AM): appendix
(yes that inspired this post)
Finally while waiting for W to start today I left the theater to discuss the different rhyming patterns of certain emcees and their ability to ride a beat..
Sometimes I think I may need a life...
thats right music is my life...
by the way this is my new theme song..
later homes
Sunday, October 19, 2008
George W. Bush inspired me today..
Change the name to....
This song is so dope.. When i get a chance i will stream the Doom Version but for now you'll get the point..
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Life Decisions
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Watch the sad clown die
This world ain't a wasteland
It just taste that way some times.
It depends on the angle
On how you read your lines.
For every brick we stack to come together to build
There's a sick little crack in this foundation still.
Humans! I can't accept them.
Trying to understand them
And what fuels them and their essence.
I'm looking for some leverage.
Catch up, trying to catch me.
Curse-ed, depress-ed.
Here to make you happy.
"Hey daddy tell me why the clown is crying."
"Well son he's got the task of cheering up the ill and dying.
On top of that everybody thinks that he's insane.
Can't fathom why he'd wanna ease their pain."
Walking through this maze made of concrete walls
When you're not allowed to climb there's no way to possibly fall.
When your hands are restricted to hold nothing but self
How can you get a grip?
How can you pick up what you're dealt?
The clown stays sad.
The ground stays hard.
With a couple pounds of migraine, a pocket full of scars.
But the face stays painted on for everyone to gaze upon
continuing the bad dream till he wakes up gone.
Do they see me?
Do they know that I exist?
I know they do.
I can tell by the way they wave their fists.
Weirdo. Freak.
Words of endearment ring in my ears
And cling onto my tears.
My purpose on this earth was to brighten the sun ray
At the circus or parade, house call on a birthday.
A bag of balloons, I can build you a farm.
Became worthless when they took away both of my arms.
Snake charms.
Magic tricks.
The world is flat.
And the traffic is thick.
Got my back to the wind as I watch the inhabitants.
Every thought I come across is bigger than this planet is.
I used to be a normal person
But I held a hunger to experience it firsthand.
I wanted to turn every frown upside down.
Some how my feet separated from the ground.
And the clown stays sad the people stay lost.
Nah, the people are sad, we lost the clown.
But the face stays painted on for everyone to gaze upon
And it will stay that way until the break of dawn.
So throw your hands in the air!
"Oh, I'm sorry you can't you're wearing a straight jacket."
Some times I have this fear of blogging.. talking.. sharing.. It seems like every time I speak my mind I end up offending someone somehow.. When all I want is to have a free voice.. Whats weird is that for the most part i seem to exude the aura of confidant.. people come to me with all types of issues and for the most part Im supposed to be supportive.. objective.. happy to help.. whereas there never seems to be a place for me to be open except in these posts and yet i still get the phone calls and the nasty messages... The worst aspect is the feeling of guilt.. Like I shouldnt have feelings or emotions, and my face to the world should never change.. I dont even understand how thats beneficial to me or the people close to me in anyway.. These are the days when I want to overhaul my whole list of friends and just start anew or maybe become a hermit.. I dunno it is what it is later homes
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I guess everyone needs someone...
Sitting on the train this morning looking up at the sky I saw the sickest clouds with the best backdrop ever.. Maybe the window was dirty or maybe it was a sign but the clouds were in a straight line with blue shadowing them with a backdrop of gray and the impending rain to come today.. As I sat there listening to the man doom tell me about Lifesavers and tried to get through this middle eastern homework my mind kept wandering back to this past weekend and the weird taste it has left in my mouth.. Dont get me wrong I had a great time but something about it doesnt sit right.. Here I'll tell you the story and you tell me what you think.. Or maybe this is me just working it out.. Whatever here we go.. So i have a friend from childhood who knows one side of me.. We have history and a pretty close friendship.. She is one of my closest friends and someone I care deeply for.. So over the summer against my better judgment i agreed to introduce her to my family as a whole.. Well the ones that are closest aka my sister and what not.. After she canceled on me the first time... School started, second job kicked in and time with family dwindled.. So the next time down visiting was my sisters bday which my bro in law made into this fancy event in Philadelphia with the whole fam plus friends.. Plus neighbors... Yet she still insisted on joining.. Before taking this journey that my fam is nuts and there will be questions.. Sidenote.. Im quite private (ironic no?) and have only introduced two people to my family.. One was someone I thought i would marry and the other was who they thought I would marry.. Anyway so we embark on this magical journey.. Do dinner.. Have a good time.. We clown my cousin and his superficial thoughts on himself.. She seems to fit perfectly at dinner entertaining herself while holding her own when conversations travel all around.. Its about as comfortable Ive ever felt with someone while around my family and maybe even more so with my family in general.. As if Im not alone.. and someone else I could sidetalk with.. joke with.. walk with.. nah mean.. it makes it easier when you dont really want to deal with others to have someone you like dealing with around.. so Sunday comes around and its brunch and the conversations are less p.c and more in sections.. as the men huddle around the common question is whats the deal with me and her and when i deny any involvement i get the sideeyes, the quick glances, and the dreaded "man please...".. so when I finally get her alone I explain to her jokingly what has happened.. and the common questions that came with it.. After about a moment of silence.. She begins to rebuff these questions like i was suggesting she was the anti-christ.. See this has been my issue with said friend.. For the most part I have never swayed in my thoughts on our relationship.. I feel as if Ive been quite clear.. Im confused.. See thats clear.. Ive said from the beginning that I love her to death but as time goes on she makes me realize how much it wont work.. There was the whole logic vs want talk.. the talk about attraction levels.. and the whole discussion on the stance of how close we are and not wanting to ruin that.. On the train coming home from my sisters that night something strange hit me,, the reason i didnt feel well coming home was because I was offended.. More so due to the fact that these conversations were constant reminders of my shortcomings without me putting myself out there to have them critiqued.. I could see if I was consistently pursuing but I wasnt.. I was actually not pursuing.. refusing to do so because of the strange situation our relationship has landed us in.. See months back when discussing why she wanted to meet my family and my reasons for being against it.. my major reason is the sign it would show to those related to me and to my own psyche.. Because of my few interactions with my public and personal life I take them very seriously and how i feel during and after as deciding factors.. and with the two previous I always felt like it was wrong on some level I was completely uncomfortable and wished to never experience it again.. Whereas this past weekend I never felt as comfortable.. With that being said my mind began to race as it does when contacted with these situations and I realized that for the most part I avoid these situations purposely and asked her to understand that.. but instead it was pursued.. and my feelings were proved correct.. but at the same time I felt some type of way because of this whole need to prove to the world we arent together.. As long as I know and she knows why is there such a need to be so vehement about the subject.. almost like shes proving it to herself.. because i never ask or imply I want our friendship to change.. actually I dont even think I would know how to respond if I was asked for it to change.. Im so used to where we are now.. but Im beginning to question if its healthy.. my self esteem aside how can other match up if she plays such a large role in my life? if im so comfortable with her? why would i even begin to look when ready? and knowing that she has no reserves with doing "her thing" is my singlehood and continued silent role sending the wrong signal?.. whatever I just know at this point I find myself at some crossroad almost ready to cut another friend off because of a perceived need to grow separately.. later homes
Thursday, September 18, 2008
train ramblings
Thursday, July 10, 2008
In Retrospect...
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
New Budden For that Ass
Edit Here goes Pt 2 this dude is nasty..
Its like Bronx tale or some shit...
I'll love you forever
'cause you'll know me better.
For the record
at one time would've married you in a second.
But killed the rekindling dreams
but navigate the friendship
or else
by the time the stress
air out we'll both be dead and friendless.
- Aesop Rock 11:35
See what Ive come to realize during my many High Fidelity escapades is this need to maintain friendships with these woman but by doing so Ive ruined them by not separating past feelings.. Ive come to understand this in so many ways.. Especially because both of them are less emotional than i am and seem to have been able to separate such feelings.. Even though one doesnt really talk to me (totally acceptable I did her dirty) and the other one plays on my emotions but whatever at least Im letting go... At least thats what I like to tell myself today..
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Its Been a Long Time
1st - I wanted to separate my Personal Persona from the blog.. Ive been feeling some pressure because I am so open on the blog with my personal life.. This was started to get me away from that with Myspace and then I realized I was handing this address out like water.. See Im not worried about getting all these reads.. Im worried about offending people unnecessarily..
2nd - When I started this blog, I tried to start this as a place for me to vent about the relationship issues of dating in my area, a place to share my opinions and thoughts, and to pass my favorite music out.. Then I found forums.. Particularly Allhiphop, and Okay Player.. and realized that did the same function.. with more feed back..
3rd - Ive been busy.. for real.. new job.. changed back to job.. "interning".. and all that other jazz.. went back to classes full time.. and just said eff a blog.. no offense but this ish dont pay... and my time is money
With that said I know you're probably wondering why I came back.. What am I doing back if this "ish doesnt pay" and if im "sooo busy".. Well enough time has passed where Im comfortable being open again.. and also now I have the type of issues that I dont feel bad putting out there.. Also other people have started blogs that make me jealous because it reminded me of what I started this for..
So the future format of this blog is this..
1. Personal Stories
2. Music and Movies and ish I feel you should feel
3. Opinions
4. Things Im into
Yea this is the ultimate jerkoff for me.. Something all about me and what I like.. Whatever you dont have to read.. Enjoy Though..
Sunday, April 13, 2008
My Stan Level has grown..
I'm Stanning so hard for Jay Electronica its sad.. I love this dude.. and really hope he ushers in that wave of emcees like nibiru
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
New Atmosphere... Tell me what you think?
later homes.. you know the rest
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Wow This is Amazing
Amazing right?.. Im not really into Betty Boop but she seems to have that FIRE for everyone.. Whatever you're looking for Betty Boop can provide...
Anyway here is the video I was looking for.. If you dont know Sublime is that shit..
The ultimate bored relationship song.. Where you're just looking for ways to get out.. And start saying eff this everything is wrong.. But you know its just you.. HAHA.. I'm out later homes.. On my Eric Benet Shit Fuck Everything..
Friday, March 28, 2008
New Roots...
New Roots courtesy of my new favorite site.. Check that site out.. its real music and the dude that runs it seems to have great taste.. thats usually hard for me to say.. but for real. Anyway this shit right here is fire.. Im so excited for this album.. not only that but me and my homie Marsha are going to be seeing them on May 9th at Radio City with Erykah Badu and believe the Roots were made for Radio City.. The last two times there they tore the place down (its funny how quick they rebuilt it), anyway.. Check it out and tell me what you think and check out Later Homes.. by the way.. Hip hop is coming back hard it seems.. and for some reason Mark Ronson seems to be involved.. go figure..
Stole this from MickBoogie's Blog Spot
Apparently for the whole month of April MTV will be re-airing Yo MTV raps which excites me like no other.. This was one of my favorite shows as a young'en as the rest of you were rocking He Man I was getting this on.. I still remember being dumb young and confused with the Dr.Dre's.. Does anyone remember Who's the Man? and why has no one called Ed Lover with his hard talking self for his blonde doo back in the day.. Ha Whatever Later homes...

The Idea of Tomorrow is a false thought
What are the true thoughts on fate and the consequences of all your actions.. When acting do think of how that may affect everything that may happen in the future of your life.. What are you doing to make your life better today so that tomorrow is on point?.. This is what I think of everyday when I wake up.. So as I fight through the bs and monotony of the every day struggle I realize its all for a greater cause.. to be the best that I can be.. to be the...
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Friday, March 7, 2008
I dont know if its possible..
later homes.. you knowthe usual..
Im in loveee
Ok not really, quick story to hold people over until this massive blog I'm writing is done.. So I was on the PATH train the other day... Dead tired trying to study Mutual Funds.. and half dead when all of a sudden I smell a familiar smell something that I haven't smelt in a while... I have one of those effed up noses that when I smell something familiar it goes directly to my brain and I have to locate where I smelt the smell before.. So I begin to look around on the half empty train and immediately to my left is a lady probably mid thirties but looking right.. and I quickly put her as the source of the smell.. So as we reached Newark I made sure to walk a little closer just to get a second chance to recognize the smell.. (I am not creepy just obsessive).. So I finally I registered that the smell was important and meant something to me becoming an adult.. and then BAM I realized where I smelt it before.. When I was away my second year at my second school the doorman to the hotel where my dorms were took me to my first strip club.. And bought me my first lap dance.. and that smell was the smell of that special lady.. No lie I can remember her outfit and all.. These are important moments in the life of a young man.. and I can guarantee that most men can relate to this.. And on top of that most men have probably felt some kind of way for one of the beautiful ladies doing what they do.. If not I'm fine with being one of the only ones.. I will never forget that day, lady, or smell... later homes.. really on my eric benet shit fuck everything.. Check back for the major blog.. and please check
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Cross Post.. Excitement and Purchasing Power
later homes on my eric benet shit fuck everything
Thanks for the support..
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Myspace Cross Post.. Fuck a Holiday
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Biggie and Mick Boogie!!!!!!!!!!!
One of my new Favorite songs...
This song is ill.. I imagine it playing when Im at work sometimes and then I play it...
I also like this song..
It reminds me of Poison
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Are you fucking my lady?
Monday, January 21, 2008
I guess Im addicted
Friday, January 18, 2008
A Fucking Complex.. Seriously?
later homes.. On My Eric Benet Shit
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Craigs List is for the Devil
Garden Grove by Sublime
You ever meet someone bad for you? probably so bad it kind of makes you feel good to be around them.. As you get closer you know that the probability of success or happiness dwindles but it makes you want them that much more.. Because it seems like the reward would be so much greater if success was met... If you caught that lightning in bottle and had one of those long crazy happy relationships.. I think thats what most people expect... As humans we crave that companionship.. But as selfish beings we are ok with searching for that perfect partner.. that perfect situation.. in the end most settle for the closest to it.. sometimes people find it.. but whatever moot points.. It just seems that in my life im drawn to the ones that are far from right or conventional..
This is just my thoughts on the day...
Saul Williams - Surrender
"Well, there're two ways I can say this. And one would be: fuck you! And there're no two ways around it, because one would be untrue. Because I love everything about you. But I don't want to be around you. If you control my heart will you control my brain? If I give in to you, will it still feel the same? 'Cause I want nothing more than to be here with you. If you fulfill my dreams, will that fulfill you too? I need a second. I need a second to think. Now, the other way to play this would be mellow, light, and, cool. Poetry and meditation. Higher ground and higher truth. Because I love everything about you. But I use everything to doubt you. If you control my heart will you control my brain? If I give in to you, will it still feel the same? 'Cause I want nothing more that to be here with you. If you fulfill my dreams, will that fulfill you too? I need a second. I need a second to think. I found the spot where truth echoes and know each beauty mark by heart. But I just can't keep her still enough to render perfect art. 'Cause the truth is ever changing and although she loves my touch, I've had my way, but I when I pray, she kisses back too much. And it's hard to feel real gangster when you're always getting kissed. But you jump at every pucker, 'cause your fear of getting dissed. I try not to fight the parts of me that want to kiss her back. Egos should be illegal. Mine just don't know how to act. He tells me I don't need her. I should walk this path alone. She's make believe. She's up my sleeve. I'd do better with a clone. But could it be? It seems to me that she's my other half. My inner-tarzan monkey girl, raised mainly by giraffes. And besides she makes me laugh. 'Cause deep down I think she's stupid. But deeper down, I'm just a clown starting bar room brawls with cupid, like, "Fuck that naked baby angel, yo! And gimme 2 more buttery nipples". And God just re-invents herself as ice-cubes in my ripple. "
Thursday, January 3, 2008
No Greater Love
As People Ask Why I no longer chase love.. Why I choose my life of solitude.. Its Because I wish for shit like this... And honestly i dont remember being up at 5 just to get something off my chest.. My new Love song.. My new hope for 08.. haha