So its been awhile since Ive last written and it usually goes like that.. A complete rush of posts then I get burnt out and all writer's blocked.. but today I saw something that made me write.. I went to see the new Kevin Smith movie... "Zack and Miri make a Porno.." It was pretty dope and funny, if you have the time and money you should definitely check it out.. It was outrageous to say the least and if you are faint at heart or ultra conservative it may leave you feeling uncomfortable.. but this isnt a review now is it?..
The reason I am writing about this movie was the experience of seeing it.. See I am a moviegoer.. I go often and usually with someone but it seems that lately Ive been rocking by myself.. And not out of lack of partner.. just because sometimes you just want to get lost by yourself.. and thats what movies for the most part do.. you get lost into someone else's life, problems, fantasies, desires.. and so on.. for those two hours (usually) you're no longer you, you're you watching someone else be something else.. Whatever your problems or thoughts are, are usually forgotten while you enjoy not thinking.. But todays movie was more of a test of wills.. I never thought a kevin smith movie about pornos would be so dateish.. and never did i think i would wish someone would be with me.. I always catch myself trying not to conform into this whole relationship crowd.. but find myself in that crowd.. the issue with zack and miri was the same issue ive been having.. "the whole friendships and being platonic." because as i was watching that movie i couldnt help but to think of "the friend" and how much she may have enjoyed that movie.. even though she wanted nothing to do with seeing it.. and also wondering if she would get why it would have been awkward.. but at the same time I was glad she wasnt there because it would have further sent the wrong idea of intentions to her and somehow i would have been self conscious about her thinking i knew the plot and set it up.. see i wish i would have known the plot but i didnt.. i have this strict belief in never reading reviews before seeing a movie.. ever since i saw movies i hated loved by critics and movies i loved hated by critics.. i feel the same way about movies that i feel about everything else in life.. form your own idea.. never be swayed.. youll end up losing out in the end.. i was gonna write more but that seems like a good enough ending.. later homes
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