This here is my second installment.. Its my favorite emcees underground and not even really signed.. the mixtape deejays.. the emcees that eat it up... This is why I love hip hop this list here.. This is my real list of shit I love...
Mick Boogie.. Seriously is on top to me.. He is my favorite mixtape deejay just because he seems to understand that hipster movement.. I feel the mix of cultures was the obvious future due to the culture growing up in the mtv generation.. anyways
Seriously J Dilla is a great that will truly be missed in 08 if you listen to hip hop and care about production you need no introduction with all the great work he has completed.. but honestly check out Mick Boogies tape Diligence or Peanut Butter Wolf and Madlibs tape which had Lightwork on it and then tell me who is really much better
With a name like MfDash you knew Doom would be here and he is .. I dont care that Mmm.. food was a Reissue.. I dont care thats my least favorite one of his.. Doom is always around.. he has so much of a catalog Im always discovering new ish.. Just went through Special Herbs and Blends and realized that he can do anything.. thats right anything
9th Wonder has always been that dude.. Production for your favorite emcees mainstream and underground he has shown to be the best this years Dream Merchant was fire and everything he touched seemed to pop off.. That Sean P album.. The Buckshot album.. and so on.. not from this year alone.. but he is always in my ear
We all knew on Reflection eternal he had to be respected.. As the Hi-Teknology series grows so does my respect.. I didnt love the new cd but bumped it enough..
Im actually new to Peanut Butter Wolf, never really looked past Madlib and Doom but then he dropped an Adult Swim mixtape and It was all over Ive gotten almost all his joints and realized that so many people are pushing the limits.. these are the movements that people should be behind... Stones Throw might be one of the most talented collectives in a long time..
Really didnt know where to put this because it was a mainstream release yet it felt like it wasnt.. Not up to par with some of his best but hes still alot better than most of the rest
I love this new cd.. Really underrated and in that new path of hip hop..
Felt like this was a really ambitious project that took that next step a must listen found him on VH1 soul late one night then on OKPlayer
We all know Im a Stan so there is no reason to express it.. But check NiggyTardust and move on...
Really Underrated but honestly one of the best.. A real surprise.. His following is growing and the mainstream is starting to respect his gangster..
Ok real quick story.. someone handed me a copy of this at this years black august.. and I never listened or cared about it.. then i get a call from my bro in law and hes like have you heard it yet.. and im like nah.. and hes like do it.. so i do.. and wow i was flawed... "Welcome to the Terrordome" is a must for any hip hop head..
Introduced to them by a friend and honestly their musical production makes them heads above the other hipster movements...
None Shall Pass has proved why Def Jux has been around for years they keep true to the roots and move units.. I wish other labels would take this method of growing with the fan base and keeping with the respect
But the real mastermind behind it all is El- P with "Ill sleep when your dead".. his joint is refreshing and new.. Shit you dont expect from hiphop anymore..
Wow.. ok I am becoming a Jay Electronica stan.. Seriously check his myspace.. To me he should be that next dude.. Signed to Erykah Badu's label that she created just for him.. Dude can rhyme and is just like that.. Has a whole mixtape based around the music to Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.. Seriously Check.. Google and go to his site at ControlFreq and listen to the rest
Ok Murs is that dude and you can see it all coming together... So hopefully its his year.. I really liked everything he did this year..
It seems as if we have been bumping Saigon for years but this year we have seen more stability and more skills... and I feel that 08 will finally be the year he puts NY back on the map.. If he can keep his cool and his love strong we might see the next dynasty..
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Ok.. Due to difficulties I couldnt get a pic of Neako.. But I really like this dude.. You feel like it might pop with him.. Actually you know it will Sickamore doesnt really pick badly with this stuff.. Had his mixtape now for a month and listen to it often.. go to his page and download it.. Newark stand up!
Wiz to me is one of those dudes thats destined to be big.. I have been checking for him for like two years now and cant wait to see what he can do with a label backing him now..
Blaze Burna to me has everything you need to succeed just not the opportunity.. I feel like 08 will be his year because I will do everything I can to make sure he does succeed.. Thats word.. Ova Here is sure fire.. and he just gets better over every track.. The hunger is whats up
Many people dont know who G.U.N are but to me they are some of the illest in the game. Recognized in Vibe's history of hip hop as pioneers in the Pittsburgh scene dudes bring real life to you.. The production by Soul Man is always on point.. And the mix with 9th Wonder is fire..
Ok the most important artist last but not least is
Click here for Volume 1 The Mainstream
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