Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Be My Valentine Charlie Brown

Note : This Post was written while watching said movie mid way through if it ends happy I'm pissed, and disregard..

Note : I turned the channel and forgot I wasn't recording and now don't know how it ends.. so guess what? in my mind.. ended sadly

So one of my least favorite holidays is right down the street and in today's sad economic times the amount of commercials and such have been pretty scaled back.. But you still know its coming.. There are small hints here and there.. Forums mention it, the hallmark store, and you know that kind of stuff... For the most part yearly I skip this holiday, i boycott the movies, the shows, and the music. I just don't want to give in to a day meant to make you spend money, and act like you love someone more that day more than the day before.. I just don't get it... Actually Valentines day makes me like people less.. Because this whole holiday just seems so one-sided and contrived.. Its become less about the partner but how you show your affection through gifts and what not.. but what do i get out of such actions.. higher expectations for next year, and so on... So if we date or have any intentions on such.. For now on I'm boycotting this B.S holiday... Its nothing but false expectations and broken hearts.. (i swear im not bitter)

1 comment:

L'Artiste said...

ooo charlie :-(
thats me cartoon incarnate