Sunday, April 12, 2009

Quit Being a......


So I found this little webgem recently while Stumbling the recent faves of my friends and began to laugh out loud on how thats what my step mom used to say about things like that.. But recently I came to the realization that I need to take this advice more often than not.. I havent been in a fight in years so this is clearly not a post about physical violence and me punking out.. But Ive realized that my nonchalance has led to me not being as ballsy as I should be.. Ive reached a point in life where I dont care enough to take risks that may lead to failure Im not ready for... That previous sentence has been my explanation why I dont takes certain chances in : relationships, careers, money, and so on.. I recently told this to a few people in my life and they all agreed I'm just a punk..
Today after seeing Observe and Report I found myself walking through times square running to my train.. Since its the beginning of the Easter Holidays It was crowded with youngins running game and eye balling any lady walking through.. I admired them at this time, their youth, and game... One in particular really caught me off guard.. Im walking alongside a group of women who were all conversing amongst eachother when a group of these youngins cut between me and the ladies.. and one brazen one took one of the ladies by the arm and just starts spitting game.. I caught myself double taking and watching this for a second thinking how dope and stupid that was.. I just wish I was able to do such things and rock with such confidence.. Heres what my ideal spit would sound like..
Enjoy.. Later homes

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