Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Not A Good Look

This is for all the ladies out there... Words of Advice

Sitting on the couch recently with someone I have an "understanding" with, the conversation turned to the usual the whole why am I afraid of a relationship and what not and why have i been avoiding it and all this other stuff.. I explain the half assed reason why and tell her that I have been debating the whole relationship thing.. and that i understand that what we have, may be selfish on my part.. as we get back into the movie we were watching she then picks up my phone and begins to go through it.. when I ask whats up shes "like do you mind?" obviously I mind.. and honestly I dont have anything to hide.. and even if there were jumpoffs in there.. there should be no hard feelings.. but after she did that I saw where things were going.. the lack of trust.. the disrespect of privacy.. you know the things you are accustumed to as a single man.. since then I havent talked to her nor have I accepted her calls.. see im not mean, nor am i one of those dudes that have many girls. Im not that sexy..(maybe I am but I want to be modest).. But no guy likes this and most ladies don't either.. there is that level of seperation that people should have and privacy that should be respected.. yes i know when in a relationship that kind of stuff is forfeitted and there are things that should be shared.. but not a mans phone.. i get off the cuff jokes... private messages.. and work related issues... all personal.. also I feel that when someone can't trust you when there is no reason not to trust you.. they are not someone who will understand when you say Im working late.. or when you are getting phone calls all day and have to leave the room.. as I try to advance my career and my status in this world.. it takes a grind that takes time.. and effort.. and I dont have time to argue over why my phone is something private to me... whatever this may seem small and something i should get over but this is why I chose to be single.. so the things I find minute can stick to myself.. whatever "on my eric benet shit fuck everything"..later homes

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